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UIPM President's Activities

UIPM Family

06.-14.09.2018, Mexico City, MEX

UIPM President Dr Klaus Schormann met during the 58th UIPM Pentathlon World Championships in Mexico City (MEX) with national sport leaders of Mexico. At a press conference in City Hall he stated that Mexico is an important pillar for the international Modern Pentathlon movement. World Cups, World Championships, UIPM Congress and the Olympic Games in 1968 are all part of the heritage of UIPM.
A new milestone has now been created with the Pentathlon World Championships arranged with all five disciplines taking place in the world’s first Pentathlon Stadium. This provided ideal preparation for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Summer Games, where Modern Pentathlon will take place in the Tokyo Stadium with 50.000 spectators.

On September 9, the UIPM President met together with UIPM Vice-President Juan Manzo Oranegui (also President of the Mexican Modern Pentathlon Federation), South American Modern Pentathlon Confederation President Jorge Salas (also President of the Argentina Modern Pentathlon Federation) and the President of the Confederacion Deportiva Mexicana, Dr José Amado Agvilar Arguelles. They discussed the importance of sport as a pillar for education, integration and healthy lifestyle.

They agreed on future close cooperation to underline the benefit of the Sport for All movement and high-performance athletes.
On Septmber 11 the UIPM Innovation Commission met in the headquarters of the Pan American Sports Organisation (PASO), where former UIPM 1st Vice-President Ivar Sisniega is working as Secretary General of the organisation.
UIPM President Schormann and Commission Chair Mr Sisniega were joined by UIPM Vice-President Joel Bouzou, Secretary General Shiny Fang, Executive Board Members for Marketing and Development Martin Dawe and Dr Viacheslav Malishev, and President’s Assistant Pagona Sonndag.
The Members of the Commission discussed ideas relating to the present and future presentation of Modern Pentathlon across all age groups and linked to the Youth Olympic Games and the Olympic Games.
On September 12 the UIPM President met with Mexican Olympic Commitee Vice-President Jimena Saldana during the Women’s Individual Final to brief each other about various International Federation and National Olympic Committee activities.
Mrs Saladana highlighted the 50-year anniversary of the 1968 Olympic Summer Games in Mexico City, which has a great meaning for the Olympic movement in Mexico.

During her visit to the World Championships Mrs Saldana joined many compatriots from the Mexican sporting movement including Horacio de la Vega, two-time Olympic pentathlete, President of the Local Organising Committee and Sports Director for the Mexico City Mayor’s office.
A number of other Mexican Olympic athletes also attended the competition, which attracted extensive media coverage in Mexico as well as worldwide.
There was also a special encounter between Dr Schormann, Juan Manzo and the oldest surviving pentathlete from Mexico, Tte Coronel José Perez Mier, 91 years old and still a fan of his sport.
The final engagement of the President’s visit to Mexico City was a farewell group dinner for the UIPM delegates, staff and colleagues from the Local Organising Committee.

21.-23.09.2018, Bratislava, SVK

UIPM President Dr Klaus Schormann took part in a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Slovak Olympic Committee (SOC), where he met with more than 15 European Olympic Committee Presidents and representatives of the European Olympic Society and GovernmentsWith the President of the European Olympic Committees, Janez Kocijancic he discussed various issues relating to the European and global Olympic movement.
In his discussion with SOC President Anton Siekel, President Dr Schormann underlined the long history of Modern Pentathlon through the former Czechoslovakia and nowadays through Slovakia.
Dr Vladimír Miller, former Vice President of the SOC and President of Modern Pentathlon in Slovakia and Member of the UIPM Technical Committee, joined the UIPM President in all meetings.

On September 28 the UIPM President and Dr Miller visited the new X-Bionic Sphere sporting complex which can host many indoor sports, swimming, all disciplines in horse riding, track & field, tennis and more. The Olympic canoeing bronze medallist and complex director, Juraj Baca, gave a tour and special presentation.

28.-30.09.2018, Dublin, IRL

President Schormann attended a reception at Mansion House, the official residence of the Lord Mayor Dublin, Nial Ring, at which the Mayor officially welcome the international UIPM Sports community to the Republic of Ireland.

The reception was also attended by Irish pentathletes Natalya Coyle and Arthur Lanigan-O’Keeffe as well as Pentathlon Ireland chairman John Foley, CEO Paddy Boyd and other members of the Irish sporting community.
Dr Schormann had a discussion with Mr Foley about the future development of pentathlon in Ireland and gave a speech in which he talked about the importance of Laser Run as a development sport and the potential of the 2019 Urban Games - which will feature Laser Run - to assist with its growth in global popularity.

On September 28 the UIPM President also visited the new National Sports Campus in Dublin and met with the CEO of Sport Ireland, John Treacy, Olympic silver medallist in the marathon in Los Angeles in 1984. They visited the pentathlon training centre and talked about the possibilities of training courses and competitions in the new facility.
The UIPM 2018 Laser Run World Championships took place in the grounds of Ireland’s most prestigious and historic university, Trinity College Dublin, and Dr Schormann officially opened the championships during a flag ceremony for the 28 competing nations on the evening of September 28.
During the championships on September 29 and 30, Dr Schormann was joined by Dr Viacheslav Malishev, UIPM Executive Board Member for Development,in meetings with delegations discussing development issues.

They presented two members of the UIPM Technical Committee, Dongkook Chung and Bernhard Petruschinski, with diplomas relating to their election to the Technical Committee during the 2016 UIPM Congress in Frankfurt-am-Main (GER).
Mr Chung and Mr Petruschinski were the technical delegates in charge of the Laser Run World Championships.

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