Update on 23 September 2024
General Elections - Campaign Material for Candidates
In accordance with Article 6.4 of the UIPM Election Rules, the documents submitted by eligible candidates who provided their campaign materials by the deadline of 16 September 2024 are accessible by clicking here.
Update on 5 July 2024
General Elections
The next elections will be held during the General Assembly of the UIPM 2024 Congress, which will occur in Riyad, Saudi Arabia, from November 15 to 17.
The Secretary-General emailed the UIPM 2024 Congress Calling Notice to all National Federations on June 3.
Following Article 3 of the UIPM Election Rules, nominations must be received by the UIPM Secretary-General no later than August 18, 2024, at 23:59 CET. Nominations received after the deadline will be considered inadmissible. Nominations should be sent by the relevant Member Federation using the form below, along with a copy of the candidate’s valid passport, biography, and signed CV.
NF Nomination Template
The elective and assignment positions that will be open are described in Article 4 of the UIPM Rules on Internal Organization:
Below are the main details of the roles and requirements for elective positions according to the UIPM Election Rules.
Update on 30 November 2021
The online elections took place on 27 November during the UIPM 2021 Congress.
The voting has been conducted by the company “Lumi Global” (www.lumiglobal.com). Lumi is the dominant player globally in the provision of software and real-time audience engagement technology to facilitate Annual General Meetings for Companies (whether listed or non-listed), Associations, Legislative Bodies, Membership Organizations, and Partnerships. Based on proprietary, patented technology, Lumi provides software, hardware, and services that assist registrars or event organizers to register delegates and provide live, secure polling, Q&A management services, and relevant reporting. Several sports organizations use Lumi’s services such as IOC, GAISF and many IFs.
The voting results and procedures were validated by the Notary Public Luis Neil Hyde-Vaamonde from Cheeswrights Scrivener Notaries (www.cheeswrights.com).
You can find the notarial report of all voting by clicking on the link below and also the results by election position on their respective tabs:
Notarial Certificate Voting Results
Update on 13 October 2021
On September 28 all candidates were notified by letter about their rights and obligations presented in the UIPM Election Rules. Besides, they were informed that UIPM will send to National Federations any written campaign propaganda material received from them if sent by email no later than Oct 8th, 2021, 23:59h (CET). On October 13 all National Federations received from UIPM the campaign material of the following candidates: Viacheslav Aminov, RUS (Vice-President); Bakhromjon Valievich Gaziev, UZB (Vice-President); Istvan Gallai, HUN (EB Member for Sport); Viacheslav Malishev, GEO (EB Member for Development); Ana Ruth Orellana, GUA (Technical Committee Member); Dongkook Chung (Technical Committee Member).
Update on 8 July 2021
General Elections
The next elections will be conducted during the General Assembly of the UIPM 2021 Congress, to be held online on Nov 27-28.
The UIPM 2021 Congress Calling Notice has been sent by the Secretary-General to all National Federations via email on July 7.
In accordance with article 3 of the UIPM Election Rules, nominations shall be received by the UIPM Secretary-General not later than 28 August 2021, 24.00h (CET). Nominations received after the deadline will be considered inadmissible. Nominations shall be sent by the relevant Member Federation using the form below together with a copy of a valid passport, biography, and signed CV of the candidate.

The elective and assignment positions to be open are described in article 4 of the UIPM Rules on Internal Organization:
Below you can find the main details of roles and requirements for elective positions according to UIPM Election Rules.
1.1 All candidates are elected for 4 years, beginning on the day after the end of the General Assembly in the year of the Olympic Games.
1.2 Nominations for election can only be submitted by Members. Candidates must be citizens of the state represented by the respective Member. In case of dual citizenship, the Member of the state which has the most effective genuine link to the candidate is entitled to present the nomination.
1.3 There cannot be more than one member from one nation in the Executive Board or in any UIPM Committees or UIPM Commissions at the same time. No person can have more than one function in the Executive Board. There shall be no more than three persons from one nation elected in the Executive Board, UIPM Committees and UIPM Commissions at the same time. This provision does not apply to members by right of the Executive Board, members of the Medical Committee and the Honorary Auditors.
3.2 Nominations for election must be presented to the Secretary General at least 90 calendar days before the day of the elections. Nominations received by UIPM after midnight (CET) of the ninetieth day prior to the first day of the General Assembly or Competition where the election will take place, shall be inadmissible.
4.1 Prior to submitting a nomination, each Member shall ensure that its candidate meets the following requirements:
i. Shall not be an undischarged bankrupt;
ii. Shall not be younger than 18 years;
iii. Shall never have been condemned for an offence punishable by a term of imprisonment of two or more years (whether or not a term of imprisonment is imposed) unless that person has obtained a pardon or has served the sentence;
iv. Shall not be banned from being a company director;
v. Shall not be subject to an order that the individual lacks competence to manage their own affairs;
vi. Shall not have been deprived of civil rights by proper application of the law;
vii. Shall not have been sanctioned for a breach of any IOC rule, or the UIPM Code of Ethics or UIPM Anti-Doping Rules or any other UIPM Rules;
viii. Shall never have been removed from UIPM office in accordance with the UIPM rules;
ix. Shall never have been prohibited from holding such position, or any similar position, under any other circumstances as provided by law;
x. Shall have decent communication skills in English;
xi. Shall not be a member of the Electoral Committee.
In addition to the foregoing:
Candidates to be Honorary Auditors shall:
(i) have
(a) a university degree in accounting, finance, or law, or
(b) a recognized license or certification in practice of accounting such as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Financial Analyst (CFA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Enrolled Agent (EA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP), Certified Bank Auditor (CBA), or similar certification or experience, as determined by the Electoral Committee, and
(c) a thorough understanding of general accounting and budget principles, and
(ii) be independent, which shall mean a person who is not a President, Secretary General, Executive Board member or employee of a Member; Candidates to the Athletes’ Committee, to the Coaches’ Committee and to the Masters’ Committee must have never received any sanction in relation to the World Anti-Doping Code nor in any case connected with betting and manipulation of competitions; Candidates to the Coaches’ Committee must (i) hold an international license/certificate issued by UIPM; and (ii) be an active coach at international level in any one or more of the UIPM disciplines; Candidates to the Technical Committee must hold a valid license of the UIPM Judges Certifcation Programme level 3 (international Judges in all 5 Modern Pentathlon disciplines; Candidates to the Medical Committee must be practising physicians with special knowledge in sports medicine, pharmacology, biochemistry and in laboratory control.
4.2 The Secretary General shall forward all nominations received within the deadline to the Electoral Committee.