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ECMP and UIPM declare the Junior European Championship in Minsk a big success

Modern Pentathlon
Last weekend the Secretary General of European Confederation of Modern Pentathlon (ECMP) Tatiana Ardabyeva and the President of the International Union of Modern Pentathlon (UIPM) Dr h.c. Klaus Schormann visited Belarusian capital on the invitation of European Junior Championship organizers.Unfortunately, due to important political business, the ECMP President Dmitry Svatkovsky couldn't attend the Championships. "But since the UIPM and ECMP work always closely to each other and for the better for modern Pentathlon sport Dmitry Svatkovsky fully relied on my and Tatiana Ardabyeva fruitful collaboration and our work together taking care of the Championship", said Klaus Schormann after a phone call with Dmitry Svatkovsky.Junior European ChampionshipsFrom the first glimpse Dr Schormann admitted high-level organization of the competitions in Minsk: "I am very glad that I finally decided to come to Belarus. I am more than pleased to be in Minsk after my last visit in 1990 for Biathlon World Championship. I am surprised by the willingness of sports facilities in the city, and indeed in country, the people, the way Belarusians love the sport. On my arrival back to office I will do a very serious evaluation report for UIPM Executive Board based on the main pillars of this Championship success - facilities, organization ans strong governmental support. Belarusian Federation of Modern Pentathlon has demonstrated new level for major modern pentathlon events what is important and should be taken into consideration not only by European Confederation but UIPM too. Here in Minsk everything is as it should be for high performances: safety, accommodation, meals, transport'.

Junior European Championships

During their visits Dr Klaus Schormann and Tatiana Ardabyeva as well as other ECMP Board Andris Feldmanis (Latvia), Simóka Beáta (Hungary) and Andrejus Zadneprovskis (Lithuania) members conducted several meeting with Belarusian Sport Executives - NOC of Belarus and Ministry of Sport representatives, BFMP members.

There was a reception at NOC of Belarus headquarters headed by NOC Secretary General George Katulin, which besides competitions themselves highly impressed pentathlon guests.The President of the International Union of Modern Pentathlon Klaus Schormann during negotiations stated not only a great level of junior competitions, but also the willingness of Belarus to host the World Cup Final, which is going to be in Belarus in 2015: "I am confident that next year's World Cup Final Belarus will host at the highest level, because there are excellent conditions and venues as well as you have already proved that you can organize big tournaments. When I was here in 1990 the competitions were canceled due to lack of snow and we all were annoyed. Now, 24 years later, I just can recognize the city, which is tremendously changed - the feeling that I came to another country".

Junior European ChampionshipsGuests were shown NOC new building facilities including a Olympic museum exhibitions, in which halls there is the possibility of meetings, press conferences, multimedia and video presentations organizing. The museum exposition amazed Klaus Schormann and Tatiana Ardabyeva. As a UIPM Culture and Educational Commission members they suggested to use the Museum opportunities for UIPM World Cup Final 2015 within a framework 'Sport. Art and Culture. Social Society'.

Officials, participants, coaches and guests were impressed by the Horse center where Riding and Combine event took place. High international standards buildings and high quality horses plus green and clean area made Klaus Schormann and Tatiana Ardabyeva to declare Horse center as a fantastic FOP for UIPM World Cup Final 2015.

Junior World Champion and today French team coach Jean-maxence Berrou said that as being athlete he would like to compete in Minsk: "It is strange we didn't have international competitions in Minsk before. Here everything is done for the best of the athletes: even every team has their own interpreter who assist with all organizational tasks and became the part of the Team. The atmosphere is sporty and friendly despite of the not lucky weather. Surely I would like to come here next year if my athletes will qualify for the World Cup Final".

Junior European ChampionshipsTatiana Ardabyeva thanked BFMP on behalf of ECMP and personally Dmitry Svatkovsky: "We thank Belarus for organizing a high-level European Junior Championship. We were confident that it would be well done. Even those who tried to find any flaws, could not do it.

This tournament was a successful rehearsal for the World Cup Final next year. Coaches pointed out being charmed by Belarus, which is somehow remind them of Switzerland.

As ECMP Secretary General I am happy that we have discovered new strong organizers for European events and European teams representatives visited Belarus for the first time discovered their new destination for seasonal competitions and camps."

(Written by Anfisa Kasyanova)

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