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Save the date: 9/9/18 – it’s Pierre de Coubertin Pentathlon Day


A new annual celebration of sport will be born on September 9, 2018 – and the whole world is invited.

Pierre de Coubertin Pentathlon Day will be introduced this year following a unanimous vote at the 2017 UIPM Congress.

A wide range of activities aimed at celebrating the history, present and future of the Modern Pentathlon movement will take place in all countries represented by the UIPM’s 120-plus National Federations.

UIPM President Dr Klaus Schormann said: “The purpose of this new initiative, which was approved unanimously during the 2017 UIPM Congress, is to create more recognition for our sporting movement and to celebrate its proud heritage.

“We have a long history, from the original pentathlon that formed part of the ancient Olympic Games to the dynamic Modern Pentathlon conceived by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in the early 20th century and which now has such an exciting future, supported by so many other UIPM Sports.

“Normally the Olympic Games – every four years – provides us with our best opportunity to showcase our wonderful sport and connect with the wider world. Now we can use Pierre de Coubertin Pentathlon Day to achieve this every single year.

“The first celebration will take place in September 2018, which will be a very special time as we are hosting our UIPM Senior World Championships in Mexico City (MEX) and also looking forward to the 3rd Youth Olympic Summer Games in Buenos Aires (ARG).”

More details about planned activities for the first Pierre de Coubertin Pentathlon Day will be announced in due course.

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