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The UIPM Executive Board (EB) has confirmed the cancellation of the UIPM 2022 Masters World Championships. A request...
UIPM Family
Two members of the thriving Modern Pentathlon community in Egypt have been elected to roles on the Executive Board of...
Two variations of Obstacle Discipline have been selected for testing after leading over 60 proposals in the race to...
Modern Pentathlon
Big win for Morsy & Karim builds on team’s success in Cairo Silver for host nation Hungary thanks to Erdos &...
Modern Pentathlon
New generation of champions thrills crowd on Super Saturday Italy celebrate double silver thanks to Micheli and Parisi...
Modern Pentathlon
Cairo medallists destined for repeat showdown in Women’s Final Competition is fierce as Mercuri (ITA) wins first Semi-...
Modern Pentathlon
Bence Demeter of Hungary powered into pole position for Men’s Individual glory on a captivating day of Semi-finals...
